TBIBank English Marshfield Corpus

Lyn Turkstra
Communication Sciences & Disorders
McMaster University

Participants: 12
Type of Study: Discourse -- free speech (conversation), picture description, procedural discourse
Location: USA
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T53W4G

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Project Description

These data were gathered in conjunction with a study of in-person vs Telehealth assessment of discourse in adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Participants were age 18 or older, with adequate hearing for the study, and no history of premorbid medical or neurological condition affecting communication, language, or learning ability. They were English speaking, and were classified as initially having moderate or severe TBI. All were at least 6 months post injury, and all had cognitive and oral communication skills adequate to participate in a conversation.

A link to demographic data for these participants can be found here, and RBANS test results here.