TBIBank English NEURAL-2 Non-Protocol Corpus

Brielle Stark
NEURAL Research Lab
Indiana University Bloomington

Participants: ongoing
Type of Study: protocol
Location: USA
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/3CA9-VM16

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Citation Information

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one corpus reference.

Stark, B. C., Alexander, J. M., Hittson, A., Doub, A., Igleheart, M., Streander, T., & Jewell, E. (2023). Test–retest reliability of microlinguistic information derived from spoken discourse in persons with chronic aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(7), 2316-2345.


The NEURAL Research Lab is located within Indiana University Bloomington's Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Department, and is directed by Dr. Brielle C. Stark. It was founded in 2018, and its main purpose is to characterize language and its neural underpinnings in individuals with neurogenic communication disorders, especially aphasia. The lab is primarily interested in spoken language, especially discourse (connected speech: language beyond a single word/clause and used for a specific purpose), and its intersection with multimodal communicative channels (especially gesture) and internal language/lived experience (inner speech). Click here for website.

Basic demographic information and WAB test results are included with the transcript download zip file.

The full discourse protocol is administered to participants twice within a short period of time to examine the stability of discourse measures.

The full NEURAL protocol and best practices manual is available here.

Discourse protocol includes these AphasiaBank NEURAL-2 discourse tasks: