TBIBank English Stockbridge Corpus

Melissa Stockbridge
Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Participants: 91 (Narrative)/487 (Derby)
Type of Study: elicited writing
Location: USA
Media type: written
DOI: doi:10.21415/D70T-C409

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Project Description

Narrative corpus

There is a complete set of demographics for this dataset.

This corpus contains 231 CHAT files of written narrative samples from 91 participants who completed an extended online survey hosted by University of Maryland.

The embedded discourse prompts were: 1) Cinderella storytelling; 2) an expository prompt about what makes a good friend; and 3) immediate retell of a novel word-less animated short film, Pigeon: Impossible. Participants also completed flash-based cognitive tasks and questionnaires regarding personality, temperament, and mental health.

The sample includes a mix of distant history of concussion, no concussion, or acute concussion (with or without a history). Participants were recruited in the doctor's office and typically did the assessment there, though some samples were not completed. Columns O, Q, and R columns in the demographic sheet show how the samples relate to the individuals.

Roller Derby corpus

There is a complete set of demographics for this dataset.

This corpus contains 481 CHAT files from 487 English-speaking roller derby players from around the world who completed an extended online survey hosted by University of Maryland. It included two embedded expository discourse prompts related to participation in sport, flash-based cognitive tasks, and questionnaires regarding personality, temperament, and mental health. Participation was spread via social media.

The sample includes a mix of distant history of concussion, no concussion, or acute concussion (with or without a history). Columns in the demographic spreadsheet code for this status. Columns T and U in the demographic sheet show how the samples relate to the participants.